Vixen Tor black and white rainbows and capturing the fade of Autumn on Dartmoor

I walked out to Vixen Tor which is only a few miles from Tavistock, my resident town. I expected to get wet as the sky was a wonderful mix of clouds and blue. This is actually a good mix for Photographers!

I think I saw four separate rainbows on this shoot and managed to capture a couple of them.

The surprising thing was that I converted the above image into a black and white picture and think it actually looks better!

I think as with all black and white images the highlights texture and lighting work with this shot.

I continued to the Tor itself and eventually found a way around a classic Dartmoor bog. I got a soaking walking towards the Tor but the haunting vista of the Tor in front of me …..

The hawthorn in front of the Tor made a great focal point and worked well in black and white.

As I walked back from the Tor I got a nice shot of the Tor highlighted by the light over King Tor, Dartmoor is great for this sort of shot the slanting light making for many a great image.

On the way back to the car I crossed a clapper bridge over the Grimstone and Sortridge leat and managed to capture this shot of it, these leats were used to carry moorstone and mine working equipment across the Moor
